1. talkdemonic – shattered into dyes (eyes at half mast, arena rock recording)
2. the allender band – riverrun (outerdark, dreamboat records)
3. his name shall breathe – oh, providence (there is an earthquake inside of me, dog and pony records)
4. via audio - modern day saint (say something, sidecho records)
5. benjamin wetherill – for all the headlines (laura, ba da bing!)
6. peter broderick - with the notes in my ears (home, hush records)
7. fire on fire - heavy d (orchard, young god records)
8. imadethismistake - college or a broken nose (tomorrow we start new, valient death records)
9. liz isenberg – i will always hate a liar (indifferent and imaginary, leisure class records)
10. horse feathers - thistled spring (thistled spring, kill rock stars)
11. wand - chrome (hard knox, ecstatic peace)
12. theodore - betting to show (hold you like a lover, misra)
13. frontier ruckus - the latter days (the orion songbook, quite scientific records)
14. bowery boy blue - great dead town (stalk that myth, space photo records)
15. liz durrett - we build bridges (outside our gates, warm electronic recordings)
16. said the shark - magic man (silly killings, iwave records)
17. kurt weisman – let my spirit rise (orange, autumne records)
18. dent may & his magnificent ukelele - howard (the good feeling music of dent may & his magnificent ukulele, paw tracks)
2 Kommentare:
Sehr schöne Zusammenstellung! Hab mich von der Sendung gestern in den Schlaf singen lassen :-).
ja, war dann doch sehr smooth das ganze. danke fürs feedback!
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