seit seinem vierten lebensjahr spielt cross violine, das instrument, das er später auch via klassischer ausbildung vertiefend erlernt. er spielte oder nahm auf mit weiteren außer den oben genannten bands und künstlern: no name trio, laughingstock, dielectric drone all-stars, john vanderslice (bei "Life and Death of an American Four-Tracker"), alfred... außerdem zeichnet er für einige soundtracks verantwortlich.
seine biografische angaben enden mit: He has twice completed the swim from Alcatraz to San Francisco.
sein label schreibt zum album:
Cross does his best work when he's playing his violin or harmonium. He's classically trained and his skill is immediately apparent. Both instruments permeate the album, adding a thick layer of glowing warmth to the songs which they haunt. From the heartbreaking opener, "It's Been Almost a Year" to the quiet, wavering whispers of "Future Ghost," Cross has created an album full of endless layers and organic details. Each listen reveals something new to dissect and digest. It's an album we are very proud to resurrect from the ether.
Milton Cross - it's been almost a year
Milton Cross - Light In The West Where It Will Always Be Morning
Milton Cross - Mountain Pulses
Milton Cross - Mull It Over From The Midwest
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