1. This Picture
2. Give Up (from "my sunshine years", Music is my girlfriend, 2006)
3. People Put Up With A Lot of Shit
4. Life Without The Community (from "my sunshine years", Music is my girlfriend, 2006)
5. Moonport Sickness (from "Monotone of the Rain", Actionpop! Records, 2006)
6. Invisibility Trick (from "transformation", cloudberry records, 2007)
7. If I Could Describe (from "Gizmo Goes To War", popkonst, 2005)
8. I Wish Someone Would Dance With Me (from "my sunshine years", Music is my girlfriend, 2006)
9. I Saw My Heart Passing By (from "my sunshine years", Music is my girlfriend, 2006)
10. Bullet-proof (from "Monotone of the Rain", Actionpop! Records, 2006)
11. Transformation (from "transformation", cloudberry records, 2007)
12. Radio
13. My Sunshine Years
als appetizer 'marschiert' dieser quasi best of eine ep names "soldiers" voran. sie erscheint auf popfabriken. somit bleibt der schwede seinem labelhopping wahrlich treu. also, hinterher!
The Sun Burns Crimson Bright (from "velvet mountains" ep, 2006)
Spring Rain Song (from "moonshine heights" ep, 2007)
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