
Freitag, März 07, 2008

glotzt nicht so romantisch (17)

Thao Nguyen - Bag of Hammers (video)
Forest City Lovers - Don't Go, Please (video)
Basia Bulat - In The Night (video)
Lightspeed Champion - Midnight Surprise (video)
The Charlatans - You Cross my Path (video)
Headlights - Cherry Tulips (video)
Some One Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Pershing (video)
Scott Matthew - In The End (video)
Billy Bragg - Levi Stubbs' Tears (video)
The Geraldine Fibbers - Butch (live)
Samara Lubelski - Road To Misfortune (video)
ein paar nachzügler und einige aktuelle streifen in trauter reihung.

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